Thursday, 30 April 2009

Polish Artillery

Hi again, no updates for a while not enough hours in the day, and unfortunatly this came bottom of the pile, fortunatly painting didn't grind to a complete halt, managed to part base some as well, these are legio heroica figures, I bought them but then decided they were just a little too big,so only going to use this gun and crew, shame really, I do like the figures

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

French Generals

Sorry for lack of updates, work sometimes gets in way! Once again these are venixia figures painted by Jon P. undercoated some Polish infantry and Hussars today that I purchased at Triples, not sure that I will be visiting Sheffield again, £4 entry, £1 for the cloak room, and quite a disappointing show, may just stick to Newark and Derby

Friday, 10 April 2009


Hello and happy Easter, this is one of my command groups, the figures are by Venixia, and the paint work is by Jon Patterson of Chesterfield, I'll let you wonder about the flag

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Work Table

A picture of my painting desk, the part painted cavalry are Spanish Dragoons and some Spanish and Swiss Guard that are awaiting basing.

You know what they say,"Tidy desk, tidy mind" if ever a picture spoke a thousand words :-) ttfn


Firstly I would like to say thanx for the kind comments on my painting.

These are two Saxon Dragoon Regts that I've done, the top ones, Blue Standard, white facings is the Leib Dragoon Regt, and the bottom pictures yellow standard and facings, represent the Von Brause Regt, once again the figures are Dixons, I've heard a rumour that these figures were designed by Tony Barton, in his Battle Honour days, if this rumour is true, Tony please expand this range.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Saxon Guard Cavalry

This unit represents the 4 Garde du Corps troops, Trabanten, Dragoner and Grenadier zu Pferde as well as the Chevalier Garde, all figures are Dixons.

Saxon Guard

Here are some pictures of my GNW Saxon/Polish army,I picked them up cheap part painted,the fantastic site by Dan Schorr was my insperation I would also like to thank him for the flags,the figures are Dixons with 3 Essex in each battalion.Just hope my photography skills improve.

Saxon Guard

Hello and welcome, this is going to be the home of my latest figure projects, and will include pictures of the figures I've painted. Hope you enjoy. now wheres that camera ???